Adrenal cortex
Adrenal cortex

adrenal cortex

9 Jerome Conn described primary aldosteronism in 1955, 10 and the control of adrenal aldosterone secretion by angiotensin II was confirmed shortly afterward. 8 The neural control of pituitary ACTH secretion by corticotropin-releasing factor (later renamed corticotropin-releasing hormone ) was defined by Harris and other workers in the 1940s, but CRH was not characterized and synthesized until 1981 in the laboratory of Wylie Vale.

adrenal cortex

7 Such a concept was supported through clinical studies, notably by Harvey Cushing in 1932, who associated his original clinical observations of 1912 (a “polyglandular syndrome” caused by pituitary basophilism) with adrenal hyperactivity.

adrenal cortex

The control of adrenocortical function by a pituitary factor was demonstrated in the 1920s, and this led to the isolation of sheep adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by Li, Evans, and Simpson in 1943. 4 Notable breakthroughs included the discovery of cortisone and clinical evaluation of its anti-inflammatory effect in patients with rheumatoid arthritis 5 and the isolation of aldosterone. Between 19, the adrenocorticosteroid hormones were isolated, and their structures were defined and synthesized. 3 In 1896, William Osler first administered adrenal extract to a patient with Addison disease, a feat that was repeated by others in animal and human studies over the next 40 years. 2 Just a year later, Brown-Séquard demonstrated that the adrenal glands were “organs essential for life” by performing adrenalectomies in dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. However, a functional role for the adrenal glands was not accurately defined until the pioneering work of Thomas Addison, who described the clinical and autopsy findings in 11 cases of Addison disease in his classic monograph in 1855. The anatomy of the adrenal glands was described almost 450 years ago by Bartolomeo Eustachius, 1 and the zonation of the gland and its distinction from the medulla were elucidated shortly thereafter. Shlomo Melmed MB ChB, MACP, in Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 2020 The Adrenal Cortex-Historical Milestones

Adrenal cortex